
Reiki Share

First Saturday of the month at 8am, we will open for Reiki Share. $5 per person. Joining a Reiki share can offer individuals various benefits, as it provides a supportive and communal environment for the practice of Reiki. Here are some reasons why someone might want to participate in a Reiki share:

Ultimately, joining a Reiki share can be a holistic and enriching experience that contributes to both personal and collective well-being.

Click HERE to register.

Nourish & Network

First Saturday of the month at 9am, we will be open for 30 minutes to discuss any topic you choose. Whether is questions about our products or services, or you just want to mingle with likeminded people. Free to attend.

Embark on a journey of connection and well-being at our 'Nourish & Network' event! Join us for an enriching morning where the threads of wellness weave a tapestry of community. Discover new friendships, explore like-minded spirits, and delve into the vibrant network of local businesses dedicated to health and harmony. This is not just an event; it's a celebration of connection, an opportunity to forge bonds, and a gateway to discovering the flourishing wellness community in our midst. Come, nourish your soul, and network with purpose—because vibrant connections are the heartbeat of a thriving community! 

Meditation Sessions

Last Sunday of each month at 5pm. $5 per person. Participating in meditation sessions can offer numerous benefits for individuals, and there are several compelling reasons why someone might want to join a meditation session. Here are some key reasons:

Whether someone is a beginner or an experienced meditator, joining a meditation session provides a structured and supportive environment for cultivating a meditation practice and reaping its many benefits.

Click HERE to register.